Engineering: The highest Paying Bachelor Degrees

NIU students in the Engineering and Engineering Technology program are being groomed to be the most desirable job candidates from day 1. This, coupled with the highest average salaries gives NIU engineers a very bright outlook on job placement.
According to CNN’s list of top paying college degrees, engineers have it made. This list was generated from an annual survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and includes the average annual salary offered to 2011 grads. The salaries range from $66,886 to $56,808 and 7 of the top ten happen to be engineering degrees. CNN is offering recent grads a ray of hope saying that in 2011 employers plan to hire 19.3% more new college graduates than in 2010. Salaries have also increased for the first time since 2008.
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One comment

  1. Learning how significant the job of a civil engineer is, you can easily imagine how profitable it can be to have a civil engineering job. Also, the need for these professionals never seem to stop or decline. The reason for this is that there is also always a necessity to build, repair and restore both private and public facilities. And when a job is in demand, the salary range also goes up. The Labor Department reveals that the average starting pay for a graduate of civil engineering is approximately $50,000 per year. Click here for more details.

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